Thursday, September 8, 2011

Why SONS OF ANARCHY is Overrated

So I'm watching this show called Sons of Anarchy because really smart people on the Internet talk all the time about how good it is. But it's not good. It's really stupid show about stupid people being stupid.

For those that don't know, Sons of Anarchy is about a motorcycle gang called The Sons of Anarchy. Rather than just hang out in bars and ride motorcycles, they're determined to do illegal stuff, too. As a result, they're constantly outwitting the law and other gangs. 

The town they live in, Charming, is sort of a bottle universe that's small enough to be fully run by a gang of bikers, yet large enough to support organized crime. The show posits that only the Sons of Anarchy can keep the town safe from the world's true evils, but all we ever see is wanton death and destruction brought on by rivals and often the Sons themselves.

The show's main character is a young pretty boy named Jax. Jax's father was once in charge of the gang, but then he died, leaving behind nothing but an unpublished book about how the noble zen intentions of the gang went south when they started selling guns. The show kicks off with Jax finding this book and dedicating himself to bringing his father's ideas for the gang to fruition.

This proves difficult because Jax's stepfather and current president of the biker gang is very determined to keep selling guns, even though it brings nothing but misery and they don't seem to actually make any money off it. But the real thing keeping Jax down is his rampant stupidity. For instance, instead of going through his dad's book all at once, he seems only capable of reading roughly two paragraphs per episode. That's some seriously slow reading.

The appeal of joining this gang is supposedly all about being in a family, but they're really horrible to each other, like when the wife of an incarcerated member basically gets shaken down by the gang for half her successful porno business. This is after she lends them $50,000 and her husband brutalizes an ATF agent on their behalf.

It's also one of those shows that cranks up dramatic tension by having characters keep lots of secrets from each other, which is cheap and gets really annoying after a while. Most of the show's conflicts could be solved if people just spoke up a little, but they never do. Not only that, but the core conflict of the show between Jax and his stepfather, Clay, requires Clay to act really really stupid in order to show how smart Jax is. So Jax will say, "Don't walk into that trap, Clay!" and Clay will basically say "Fuck you, Junior!" and walk into the trap.

The general consensus is that Sons of Anarchy season one is okay, season two is fucking awesome, and season three has quality issues. I guess people like season two because it has a real bad guy and some slightly serious stuff happens.

The bad guy is a white supremacist businessman who moves into Charming determined to get rid of the Sons of Anarchy, so he can overdevelop the place and turn it into one big shopping mall. It's almost hilarious how poorly conceived this guy is. He basically spends each episode hatching a new scheme to get rid of the Sons, only one of which really works, and that doesn't even work for very long. He's a cartoon villain like Shredder or Gargamel, which would be fine except he carries with him the pretense of being in a "great show".

He also has Henry Rollins as his pit-bull right hand man. Rollins is inversely perfect for this show because his serious face is so serious that it becomes a parody. The show, of course, is unaware of this. I sometimes get the feeling that Sons of Anarchy knows it's a show about stupid white-trash gangsters with illusions of grandeur, but it seems unaware that it has these illusions itself.

Take Gemma, for instance. Played by the awesome Katy Sagal, Gemma introduced herself to us in season one as both a caring matriarch to the gang and a truly cold-hearted bitch. She was instantly the coolest, most exciting part of the show. But by season two, she's a religious softy who spends nearly every episode crying. Where she once impulsively hit a lady in the face with a skateboard, she now only hits people on accident and apologizes profusely afterword. This is supposed to be a dramatic transformation, but it's really just the show buying drama by selling out its most interesting character.

I often wonder with these critically acclaimed shows why people give them so many passes. With Sons of Anarchy, it's gotta be the truly incredible cast. Stupid show or not, it's a joy to see Ron Perlman really showcasing his range as an actor. Katy Sagal is great, too, as are the supporting bikers and police officers. Almost everyone is fun to watch, and that's certainly not without worth.

But like Dexter, Justified, and The Walking Dead, this is a low B-level show that acts like it has some real A-game shit going on. The real legacy of this "Golden Age of Television" will be a bunch of shows that flew too close to the sun rather than accepting and growing within their limitations. The moment Sons of Anarchy stops trying to be The Sopranos on Wheels and embraces its badass nature, it will finally become a show worth celebrating.


  1. Completely Agree. A really dumb show that is often fun to watch. But pretty much it.

  2. It is sort of fun. I'm pretty sure I'll continue watching it, unlike some of these other shows.

    1. I only found this site today. I would have warned you to turn away from the dark side and don't waste your time Sam. All those wasted hours of life, never to return or be used for talent or good. It will leave you bitter and robbed of anything decent.

  3. Yea everyone has been going on about this show forever....pissin me I finally gave it a chance....It IS SOOOO overrated

  4. I only watched 2 episodes but the characters suck and besides Pearlman and the woman who plays his wife I am definitely not loving the acting in it either

  5. Gemma just a put a hit out on her husband in season 4, i dont think she has changed. Also, they dont keep secrets to build dramatic tension its the fucking way the club operates, im sure clay could just tell everyone he just a put a hit out on a member after saying they were good. This show is about analyzing a sub culture and no one is a good guy or a bad guy, obviously you suck at rating shit because you don't like the walking dead either. Only breaking bad is as well written as this show.

    1. People who do not know how basic grammar works, especially when your computer can do it for you, but fail to use it....Hmmm, should you really be taken seriously? Commenting how well something is written when you don't even know what words to capitalize? NO they should not. This show has NOTHING to do with analyzing a sub culture by which I'm hoping you mean 1% MC. SOA can not get any further from the truth of how an actual Outlaw MC works. I'd love for you to meet my Bandido set you right. This is a mediocre writer, Sutter's first attempt at a script on his own, to PAY HIS MORTGAGE. Sutter does not believe in what he has written or agrees with it but has a mortgage to pay. Sutter's words, read them on his website. It is his re-write of Hamlet on bikes. Shakespeare he will never be. There is ignorance and folly in youth. I'm sure you are younger and less experienced than quite a few on here. Had you studied English, Literature, Speech and wrote your own essays in high school, you too would form different opinions. Anger is not a good retort to make your point. This is a hard fact for many like you. The fact remains, any person with a solid educated background can/will see this mass produced slop for what it is. No educated person is going to call gratuitous violence, weak/wavering characters, pure fantasy, nonsensical pablum well written. This is the caliber of crap that the reality shows are, Garbage to spoon feed the masses so they can not think on their own. Most shows now days are that....crap. I have not watched The Walking Dead, if it's a vampire or zombie movie it's crap. Gruesome fairy tales that just waste away the hours without a single thought. Breaking bad I can not comment on as I have not watched it. Comics do not invoke intelligence or deep thought or reflection. Good literature and great writing do. Your lack of education and maturity are a reflection on YOU. The person or persons who disagree with your opinions does not mean they are not qualified or "suck" at their reviews. They have EARNED the education and experience which appears to be much more vast than your own. Turn off the television and go experience this sub culture and education for yourself. Come back in 20 years and let's see if SOA is the greatest show ever written. I'm certain there was a time in your life when Dr. Seuss was the greatest writer you ever read.

    2. I know I'm replying several months later and you will probably not read this, but for everyone else...I agree on some things. SOA is a mediocre show. The dialogue is not that great ("Jesus Christ" being almost every other line spoken). I did find myself wanting to find out what happened in the every episode for some reason and I watched nearly the whole series on Netflix. Waste of time? Maybe...but if you got spare time to burn, why not? Sure there are other, better things you could do with your time, but this is America and people do what they want. Hell, I like to read comics every now and then. It's just pure entertainment. Bottom line, I think the show is overrated but watching SOA is up to the individual person.

    3. So what he doesn't like the Walking Dead, I love the Walking Dead, but I'm not going to get pissed off because he doesn't like it, everyone has separate tastes. And what he said about Sons of Anarchy is true, they did keep secrets to ramp up the tension, it was the only way the writer knew how to ramp up the tension, in my opinion it was a shit show, if you like it then that's fare enough, but don't get pissed off because other people don't like it, it really shows how immature and insecure you are. Anyone who needs to defend a tv show literally has no life, nor do they have any real world problems to worry them.

  6. Well written? Like, "That can't be like that"; "You got intel?"; " I'm his 'ol lady" "NO, I'm his 'ol lady"; "Where's that intel" "I'll get the intel"; "Get the intel from his ol' lady"; "We aren't like that. That's not us" Next time you watch, pay attention to how much dialogue is fewer than eight words in a row. Truth serum? IEDs? Horribly fake Irish accents? (The Scottish guy sounds perfectly real.) The ATF agent lady who begins every contrived statement with a huge, very loud, gulp of air? They face off in the middle of Main Street (which has angle parking) because the hospital or Floyd's or the other two sets have been used too many times. This is a tedious show apparently written by a teenager with no understanding of character chemistry (unless it's c'mere-you-face-sucking) and with so many holes you could drive a Harley through it. When Clay speaks, all I hear is the theme song from Beauty and the Beast. I watched two seasons, so gave it a fair shot. It's bad.

    1. you're funny.

    2. And right. (And funny.)

    3. could not agree more, i watched the first 3 seasons back to back over less than a week period and i just couldnt get myself to start watching the 4th season. Looking at my newsfeed i cant help but realize almost everyone who posts "cant wait for sons" is usually a female in love with jax teller. I dont think ive ever seen a movie or show about motorcycles/motorcycle gangs that was any good.

    4. I never tired of hearing Peg Bundy say, "Ya know, father and son shit." Terrible pothead writing all the way around. Ernie and Bert could have rolled into Charming and dethroned those pussy bikers.

    5. But what about Jax and his "fomily"??

      I just see Hellboy and long live Peggy Bundy, old skank in leather now. I love both actors really, I just don't love this show. As far as holes go, Harley my ass, a tanker could breeze through without touching the hole's side.
      SOA was made for all the kids from the 90's on up. The kids who were raised by Gameboys and TV. I'm baffled as to why the following is so large? I then read the posts on here, and now know why. Those who have no strong education, unable to think on their own, lack imagination, and just plain fell off the turnip trucks are fans. WOW! We really failed as a nation, When it comes to leave no child behind, we cut bait and ran in '91. This nation is now doomed to be run by idiots in coming years, YIKES!

    7. yeah being raised on the A-team and Dukes of Hazzard was much better!

  7. Sons of anarchy is an idiotic male soap opera for braindead morons. A childish outlaw rebel fantasy world for wannabes and posers.

    1. Perfectly stated. And Jax is such a douche defending Clay after he beats the shit out of his mom. Shoots his best friend in the hand after Clay kills Piney, his father's best friend. He talks about protecting his family and acts completely conversely to what his characters goals were and its like the writers forgot what they wrote the episode before. The Walking Dead and Justified are 50x better than this garbage. Yo bro, let's hug it out and go everywhere together. And Juice is supposed to be black? His father looks like Wesley Snipes and he's whiter than an Irishman. Give me a fucking break. It's the worst show on FX. Horror Story, Justified, and 3 episodes of The Americans I saw are already better than this shit. I couldn't believe that they actually aired Season 3. I thought it was a comedy halfway through. Of all the so called great shows of the last 10 years, this is by far the worst and most disappointing and most overrated. I watched 3 episodes of Rescue Me and can already tell that's better too. People who like this more than Breaking Bad or The Sopranos or The Wire or even Justified should be put to sleep and don't understand what great shows are supposed to look and sound like. Holy Jesus God the humanity!

    2. Love your comment....You are 100% correct!

    3. Restarted piece of shit both of you. If you actually watched the rest of the fucking show you would understand. Jax backed clay because he had to. Spoiler alert in season six. Jax shoot clay right in the neck then puts like five bullets in his chest BECAUSE of the shit he did. ^ fucking dumbasses everyone on here

    4. ^^your the dumbass for watching 6 seasons of that shit^^

    5. Breaking bad was no better than Sons of Anarchy. They both suck badly after the first two seasons, but at least Breaking Bad was good the first two seasons, whereas Sons of Anarchy was only tolerable for the first two seasons. Around the time they killed Piney, SoA went rapidly downhill, as did Breaking Bad when Tuco left the show and they brought in chicken man. Remember when Walt spent an entire episode chasing a fly? Talk about excruciating torture by boredom! To compare either of these idiotic shows to the Sopranos is sacrilege.

    6. Not just a male soap. No matter how bad the show sucked, Charlie's ass was fine. Read the posts....Cougars nationwide tuned in to fantasize about tapping that ass! We are just experienced enough to mute the sound and fast forward through all non ass parts.
      Long live firm succulent male asses!

    7. No doubt! Hahaha! I have been watching (half in to season 3) on Netflix. It's the JAX-show/soap opera! Hell, I could watch him sleep! Lmao

    8. Sopranos sucked cause of all of the stupid counseling sessions we had to sit through. That alone was more annoying than anything else on TV.

  8. watched the first 20-30 seconds of it and it annoyed me...
    impossible to get a cigarette out with gloves on.
    even more impossible to light the thing on a moving bike.
    then as he goes down the street and takes his left hand off the handlebar the bike magically shifts a gear and you can hear the clutch disengage.

    just reminds me of a southpark episode.
    screw this show. im going for a real ride.

  9. "Dude, shaving your junk is gay."

    "No, it's totally not!"

    "Yeah, it is!"

    Sons of Anarchy at its finest. Really, who writes this bullshit?
    If you want a good crime show, just watch The Wire.

    1. Funny.....I put SOA right next to The Wire. Both cheesy with bad acting. Couldn't get past a few episode with both series.

    2. It's totally not.
      A man with overgrown landscape is not appealing. No women wants her eyes poked out by overgrown shrubbery! Really guys, do the gardening, there is a reason why trailer hitches have no paint!

  10. Have to say I agree. I've stuck with it but I gotta say I feel no warmth to any of the characters, every single one is a scumbag, and funnily enough it turns out that without that I just don't care.

  11. all you guys are idiots and cant appreciate a good show.

    1. A crackhead calling the educated, idiots. I shudder to see what a real idiot looks like?

  12. SOA is on right now!!!!!!! And it'll probly have the highest ratings of all time so.... Fuck off motherfuckers!! SOA rocks!

    1. Nope, Breaking Bad has beat the chaps off this show since day one. Get a clue.

    2. Right on!! Breaking Bad has topped the chart with an awesome, realistic storyline, loveable and believable characters who develop with the story, and gripping action and twists; which (IMO) no other show has been able to do since the Sopranos. As for Sons of A... meh. You might as well watch the daily soap operas. So many unrealistic ingredients that I won't take up time and space to comment.

      "Science, bitch!"


    3. Eat dog shit you inbred faggot!! It is the WORST fucking show ever and it somehow keeps getting even worse. Truth be told the writers just throw any bullshit script together because monkey fucks like your ass will still rave about how great it is.

    4. Breaking Bad is every bit as moronic as Sons of Anarchy. How about the scene in the last season of BB where the writers have to show us that Jesse isn't a complete moron by having him come up with the 'magnet' idea, which was supposedly so ingenious it initially confused Walt... stupid, cringe-worthy shoe-horning... even the Walking Dead is more plausible than either of these shows, and its about ZOMBIES...!

    5. Too many meth heads arguing now. I have not watched Breaking Bad, so I will not comment on it yet. I do know his "recipe" is not correct or plausible. I'll have to see if there is more to it than a high school teacher making meth in a mobile home.

  13. I must agree. This show is entertaining, but that doesn't mean it's spectacular like a lot of people say. It's mediocre at best. I understand that seeing the mc lifestyle on a tv show is interesting for the average joe that will never actually see the crazy shit people on the other side of the law see. However, even real people in motorcycle gangs don't do as much crazy shit as the SOA do. If the show was realistic, most if not all of the SOA members would be dead or in prison by the end of the first season because of all the wreckless murders and gunfights that they are involved in. Obviously the creators didn't attempt to make the show realistic though because it would only last one or two seasons, which wouldn't be profitable enough. The more this show drags out seasons, the more viewers will get attached to the the characters, making the characters less likely to be killed off. This would further stretch the lack of realism. I'm hoping that in the last season, characters that you're used to seeing in most episodes will finally die because there is no way those assholes would or should get away with all the shit that they somehow always manage to walk away from. I do like watching shows/movies that involve criminal lifestyles because it's fascinating and it reminds why I don't get involved in those types of lifestyles myself, but SOA just seems to glorify a criminal lifestyle and makes the viewers want to route for the badguys.
    Ranting aside, the show does a good job at making itself entertaining so it at least it does something right. That is why I say it's mediocre at best.

    1. Actually, during an episode of Gangland on Discovery, a special on the Hell's Angels had them fighting another biker gang in the middle of a Las Vegas casino. They murdered, as a group, over thirty people, many pf which weren't the intended rival gang. 2 people where eventually tracked down ( of several dozen participants), one shot, one indicted. This happened in broad daylight, and they fought for more than 30 minutes. Come on dude, you obviously know very little about how much biker gangs DO get away with murder. The Angels would also steal a traincar full of jet engine coolant (p2p) for use in methamphetamine manufacture in the 80's. The train was a government supply train, they shot all the guards, and ripped Uncle Sam off. The penalty for this? NOTHING. Wiki them, and that's what this shitty show is trying to make a poor parody of. With all this internet, why so stupid?

    2. The gang was the Mongols MC they fought. UPDATE, many of those who were involved with the aforementioned crimes are now in prison, but most are dead by their own clubs hands. Gangland is not exactly accurate either. The leader of Hell's Angels was killed by his own crew. Also, they murder as a small group of 3-6 men, not as a whole group. Only soldiers get dirty. Rise too high or know too much, your own MC green lights your ass. A lot of snitching goes on and the gangs are infiltrated by FBI/DEA. IF you want to know about the gangs go to the source themselves. There are 1% MC's in every big city, go to Sturgis, go cruise the Florida Keys, it's impossible to miss them. Seek and ye shall learn. I did. Impossible to miss when several different MC's are in every bar down the whole F. Keys. Watch em in action. Don't turn your back on em or watch to obviously.

  14. So overrated show I can't even tell. I like the drama part, but this violence-romance b-shit...Could be better show with someone else playing main character Jax. Charlie Hunnam just can't act what this kind of show needs. Irish trying to be american. What a failure.

    1. He's not there to act. EYE CANDY!

  15. you're a bunch of stupid nerdy people. who wouldn't like sons of anarchy. good actors, nice story, really nice music, cool lifestyle.. what about that show is "dumb". i mean everyone has his own favorites, others don't like sitcoms and stuff. but saying sons of anarchy is stupid.? man.. fix your problems guys

    1. You are exactly the type of fucking moron we are referring to. SOA is plain bad, but assmunches like you keep it on the air way longer than it should be.

      Do you ride? If you did you'd know how much bullshit this should is. They do things you cannot do on a bike like another poster pointed out. Idiot.

    2. Dumb as the dumb motherfuckers watching it. Ever know a biker? Patch holders, meetings, bikes that dont

    3. Can you be that dumb and still remember to breathe without someone telling you to? My brother is a Bandido, my aunt a causality of the Gypsy Jokers. My old neighbors are Hell's Angels. I worked for 20 years in the only trauma hospital for 4 Western states. I have lived in this world baby doll. There is nothing cool about the lifestyle unless you are a retarded, drug addicted, women beating pedophile. Do you think selling drugs, watching your back every second of every day, pimping out your wife and daughters is a cool life style? Licking the dog shit off the shot caller's boot in front of an entire town because if you don't you'll be shot or shanked is glorious? How about having your the "property of MC" tattooed on your neck, face, chest, ass, never to be removed on penalty of death? Cool huh? You would not last a minute dumbfuck. What would your ass do when they grab your sister or aunt and proceed to gang rape her 6 at a time for 3 days. Rape her so bad she's still in a mental ward 25 yrs later? You have kids? Your 5 yr old cries and pisses off your brothers, so they order you to shoot your 5yr old with heroin til he shuts up? These are the realities of EVERYDAY LIFE as a 1% or family of one. There are no Gemmas calling you sweetheart. The guys all swear to the patch, NOT family. Sound like a nice story, good music, cool life style? What are you? A 10 yr old wanna be gang banger? I'd turn your ass out so fast, you'd be on your knees sucking your 500th dick fore you know what hit you. PUNK.

  16. SOA appeals to simple-minded sheeple white trash....


    1. Amen say it again! Break those TVs and take the trash out.

  17. The motorcycles (gang in formation) chasing cars is kind of hoaky. Show may be looked upon in category of CHIPs (cops in formation) chasing cars....

  18. I've only seen the first episode and being the Breaking Bad addict I am...I was very disappointed! Poor acting, over-done drama, and lame storyline! I don't get the addiction to this one. Breaking Bad on the other hand is VERY well written, pretty solid acting, and a great story!

  19. I'm glad someone finally said it. Jax's daddy was not Jesus, just a low rent idiot.

  20. I kind of liked SOA at first but grew to hate it because of the following:
    1) Katie Sagal (Gemma - motorcycle mama matriarch) only shows conflict by doing this stupid mouth thing that looks like a fish gulping for air.
    2) Jax walks away from his kidnapped son after spending half the season moving heaven and earth and traveling half way around the world to find him.
    3) Jax's girlfriend is a doctor who smashes her hospital administrator in the face and kills people on a fairly regular basis. Really??? Oh, and by the way, it turns out that the administrator gives the doc a pass on the assault cause she used to be a biker chic herself.
    Just too stupid - I can suspend disbelief along with the best of them but SOA is asking its viewers to leave their brains at the door. Can a season-long coma and an evil twin be far away?

    1. LOL!! You nailed everything that is so bad about it. And Gemma just ignoring the law and going anywhere she wants cuz ITS HER GRANDSON DAMNIT!!! ITS THE WORST!!

  21. SOA was good for a minute. That's when dexter, boardwalk empire, and walking dead finished for the year. I had to find a show to keep me occupied. I was excited for a minute, I mean when they opened the first episode with the black keys I was fucking hyped. Drea de Mateo too? I was kinda stoked because I thought this show was shit. But I mean how many shootouts can you get into and not get shot the fuck up? And how bad are these guys at shooting, these guys have surprise ambushes planned out and 5 men shoot though a wall with grenade launchers and flee? I mean c'mon it's a joke. Did Larry the cable guy write this show? Or maybe it was Sylvester Stallone. It's just 10 pounds of shit with a 5 pound bag, gift wrapped for mass consumption. Drink your cola and eat your cheesies America.

  22. Yeah, I still watch it, but I hate all the characters. I can't stand this "hard" spartan, macho, shit. So many bully boys think this is how they should really live. I really want every one of the Sons to die before they fuck up any more lives. They're a bunch of murderers. Tig's daughter is burned alive and the next show he's yucking it up with a Tranny framing up some obese city councilman. "My daughter? Hell I forgot about her horrible burning, it was a whole episode ago!" You know? Jax's best friend for life dies and same thing, he's blowing off steam with some zany antics. It makes no sense. And Gemma, after years of life threatening, near death, back-stabbing, betrayal, murder, gang-violence, related hell, suddenly asks sobbing "what' happening to us?" What the fuck? You hadn't noticed before that things were not ok? Sheesh.
    Dexter has gotten pretty bad too these days.

    1. The Hollywood formula of 7 seasons with 8-10 episodes in each season does not work. I did love Dexter but it should have been aborted long before season 7. "Reality scripted" shows or this junk is what TV has become. When it turns to shit, the wise turn to books, or living experiences.

  23. I actually ride in an OMCG and fucking hate this show. It misses the two main points about being in a motorcycle club - brotherhood and a love of motorbikes. Macho fantasy, bike ridin gangsters who all hate each-other is not what all OMCG's are about. At least, not mine.

    1. Perfect response - and as the President of a Chapter, if I found my guys pulling this crap, they would be out faster than it took to get their cut back. It's a fantasy show, the trouble is, there are people who think it is real. And that trasnslates into their perceptions of US.

    2. There's a difference between the old Vietnam vets riding to be free and brotherhood, like my neighbors. 1% MC's are violent and indulge in illegal activities. There in lies the difference.
      NEITHER of you two are 1%ers.
      I've been trapped between the two for longer than I care to admit. Your posts are peaceful.

  24. I have tried to watch this many times thinking maybe I am just not getting it....the performances and actors are fun to watch, but so over the top, and yes, stupid! hahaha. Thank you for this great review. I know a few bone head macho dumbo guys who watch this show religiously, and none of the have anything interesting to say or do!

  25. I had to come to a site like this to reassure myself that I ain't losing it. This show is not very good. It's a 5/10 at best. It appeals to people who like mediocrity. The writing and acting are terrible. Even Hellboy and Peg from MWC stink in this and I've always liked them.
    This Jax character pursues his lips too much, thinking he's James Dean. Ahhhh I do not like this show! Breaking Bad and Boardwalk Empire - now that's writing and acting.

    1. Is Breaking Bad really good writing? Or just another show about the secret world of making meth that allures you? Are the BB fans meth users? I firmly say they are not. It is a world in which none of the viewers know, so it is glorified, and you all drink the Kool aid. Funny, actually not so, I know more meth addicts than one person should. All the way from the ho who sells her body for it, to the cooks who make this vile shit, to the top dog who pockets the cash your junkie ass beg, borrow and steal to give him for just a taste. I have yet to meet one meth head who owns a TV, let alone who can sit still and watch an hour long show. Meth life is make some money, score some dope, smoke, score more money period. The cooks are all strung out too. BB fails to teach you, ANY where you cook is contaminated forever in the walls and your exposed and hooked. The buildings are torn to the ground, meth is so toxic. There are no state of the art labs with metal vats and the exposure suits they wear on BB, are more useless than my isolation gear at the hospital.
      There is NOTHING real about Breaking Bad either. Just walk to any street corner look at the scabby, skeleton who's sketchy and tweeking. There is the reality of meth cooking. ASK any meth user if BB is remotely near reality. The answer will always be NO and most times, you naive idiots, will be your wallets lighter. Pull your heads out of your asses. If you want to know how "cool" any of this bad shit/illegal shit being glorified on TV really is. Walk out your door and talk to real people who are in the game.
      You all talk shit about how bad ass you are yet, your asses stay in front of fantasy TV. Fools all arguing about shit they know nothing about. If you did know, you'd shit yourselves and go running to Mama. I speak from over 50 years of hands on experiences. There is no glory in any of these life styles. You watch to escape? Bullshit, otherwise you'd be the one sucking the glass dick tonight.

  26. Haters gonna hate.
    I respect people who criticize, but I despise cheap internet haters who can only insult instead of using arguments. :)
    And no, I didn't read your full text. Why? Because I didn't find your text worth reading after the very first paragraph. When a guy insults from the beginning you can already guess the rest of the text.
    The same goes for the haters on the comments. "Look at me, I'm a guy who hates something and I'm going to vomit random "arguments" because I REALLY hate it! HURRR DURRR"

    1. So your point on why the show is great???

    2. As I said, opinions are opinions. I don't need to explain why I like the show, and you don't need to explain why you don't like it, but insulting is just childish.
      But just for the record, I like the story, anything wrong with that? ^^

  27. And don't fkn tell me it's overrated, man. The TV never aired it on my country, I had to find it in some streaming website. My country generally dubs famous movies and series (Supernatural, Smallville, CSI, House, Heroes, The Walking Dead, etc), but they never, ever, thought about dubbing SoA. Get your clues, use words you actually know the meaning and stop trying to be some kind of failed hipster.

    1. Fuck watching fantasy shit about fake lives being streamed to you. Go ride a mile in the boots of a MC. Live your own story, make your own experiences. Go see for your own eyes what is real what is bullshit.
      I voiced my opinion about it being crap because I have rode, I have done bad and I have life experiences that put me in many paths. Some good, some not good. I have walked many miles in biker boots, lived with junkies of all kinds, worked to save and heal them. I got my education not only from books but walking with many kinds of people. I find reality way more exciting than a poorly written show. Majority of SOA fans are idiots in my eyes, because they speak from ignorance, they get their info from LALA land instead of using their own minds to see it. You watch crap shows to "escape" what better escape from your life than to walk among these different people?

  28. I'm not on here to criticize the show because I have only watched 2 episodes and pieces here and there. From what I saw at the beginning though I found that Jax character to be somewhat annoying. Just comes off as self-righteous to me really. His little strut is a bit weird as well- was enough to make me not want to keep watching given he was the obvious main character and poster child for the show. Some may call me quick to judge, but I can't root for a character who's initial impression reminds of people I don't enjoy being around in real life.

  29. My complaint against the show is that 90% of the drama is brought on by outrageously stupid decisions by the main characters. It gets very tiresome.

    1. Nailed what I was thinking... started watching on Netflix due to rave reviews from people and I just don't get it...I needed to see if was just me, but I see it isn't. I made it through season 1 & 2, started 3 but I think that where it ends for me. There are no redeeming characters on the show at all... shouldn't someone be sympathic?!

    2. You will regret watching the show further as it will be time in your life wasted, never to be returned for better use.

  30. SAMCRO- Stupid Ass Moronic Cocksucker Retard Originals.

  31. Like the Sopranos, as I watch this show, I'm distracted by the thought that someone out there finds these meatheads appealing.

    1. Sopranos had the redeeming quality of Dr. Melfi and others to serve as a contrast via language, character and overall depth the behaviors of tony and the others.
      It had depth, overall, certainly.
      I do see your point though.

      SOA is low rent trash.

    2. I love you but only for your mind! I have despaired I will have to leave the US for lack of any people with intelligence. I retch at the thought of watching TV after reading these posts. It's fine to have an indulgence, but these kids/adults with childish minds, do not appear to know this is make believe. Further disturbing, is the fact, murderers and grotesques violence is aspired too and gleefully applauded. Why are so many hours spent watching this crap and filling their already too empty heads with more shit? I believe they should be out in the world, seeing what this or any fake world is really like. I was raised to escape, the grind by going hiking, traveling to a new country, learning some new trade. I have never heard of escaping life in a make believe over the top with violence rip off of a great classic novel. IF they need this kind of escape, there are many violent escapes all over the world. Perhaps their love of violence would even due some good? Go kill a pedophile who traffics young children. Get out from in front of trash TV and burn an opium field that so many Americans are addicted too. I do not see redeeming quality in any of the shit shows.

  32. its so funny that all of you "hate" this show but then talk about your hate for the characters themselves hahaha, they got ya

    1. Please tell me you are in third grade and not yet learned how to make a statement and back it up with logical proof. Please oh please.
      One does not hate a show without having to watch some of it first. SOA is a show built on characters, not good ones, but characters none the less. It would be hard to hate a motorcycle parked or any inanimate objects used in the show. That leaves the characters, in which to make one's points on why they hate the show. Get it? Your the reason we "haters" think you all are dumbshits. Proof of majority opinion on this open your idiotic mouths/posts and PROVE it to be true.

  33. I just watched Gemma hold a gun to a baby's head in order to get her grandson back. And you think she got soft?! lol yea right

  34. I want to like this show. It could be so good it it had some decent writing. But the storylines are insipid and circular. The drama is over wrought. It has all the subtlety of bag of hammers. The acting is ok i guess. But the show is weak. Dissapointingly weak.

  35. I just started watching it and the pilot was okay (even though the cooked bodies had all their hair), but episode one was absurd. This is like the keystone cops in leather. Cue Benny Hill music. If you dig up a dead body, shoot it up and toss it in an SUV, a forensic team goes away?? This is the logic of an 11 year old. The acting is very good, I love Ron Perlman's acting, but the plots are to ridiculous enjoy. It is still going strong so I must concede to the majority that there is something there I don't see. Kudos to those who do enjoy it.

    1. they still had hair because they weren't burned by an open flame, its like putting a potato in tin foil, they cooked in a large metal container due to the extreme heat. also a forensic team would move if only a small division was in an isolated area and there was another murder that has a connection. also yes, the pilot was probably the worst episode i suppose the writters knew they got lucky and needed to step up their game

    2. Perhaps the majority does not have more than a 6th grade education? Maybe if they put their love of violence toward furthering their intelligence, we would spawn a really great writer? Of course excusing all the ladies out there, who have mute on and are only waiting to see Jax's naked ass. Horny and ignorant are not the same guys.

  36. i love this show and im amazed about how much people can hate this show there are not many shows that are on this level.
    you cannot expect every show to be like game of thrones or the sopranos

    1. That is why they print books and people travel the world. Times such as these, when TV sucks. I do not care for it, as well as many on here because it is like reading Dick and Jane books. We loved them in first grade and second, but now we are adults, who are not entertained by childish fantasy novels or shows. Look at it this way, so many people hate it because we have read the original Hamlet by Shakespeare. This is a second grader's attempt at Hamlet. What's not to hate?

  37. Sons of Dumbasses is what I call it. Thank God most of the morons in this world are actually smarter than these fools. White-trash stupidity at its finest!

    1. Please back up your post that we have non morons in greater numbers in the USA. The stupid can't be fixed and I'm booking a flight out of this moronic country for fear, stupid could be contagious. Is it really possible there are this many left behind in grade school?

  38. Oh Lawd look at all these haters haha. I love SOA but that's probably because I see it for what it is - it's about takin' care of your family, yourself and your relationships. It's about bein' a boss and taking care of business. business. Making tough decisions for something bigger than yourself.

    Does that mean killing people and doing business w/ the cartel? Frigin' lollerskates of course not are you idiots serious? Let me put it this way - it's a bullshit man-drama (well done Sam on this post btw SOA does have a bit of soul searching to do haha) using metaphor to communicate some very important lessons.

    A lot like the Bible ;) And just like going to church, I enjoy checkin' in weekly to keep myself focused on what's really important important in life.

    1. You certainly are a peculiar brand of dipshit, aren't you there feller.

    2. First paragraph, no one took care of anyone but them selves. No one made any tough decisions, all decisions were for one's own gain. Paragraph two, you must have tried to be a street slanger but could not count fast enough and got high on your own supply.
      God wants to speak with you on Sunday, Wednesday and after your post, HE needs your butt in church on Tuesday nights too. Get rid of your TV. Pick up your Bible.

  39. Isn't it a bit ..well..silly..all these grown men dressed up in costumes to go about their business? Not knocking motorcycles or clubs but surely you don't wear the outfit 24/7? These men are supposed to be adults FGS. I really couldn't get over just how stupid and contrived they look. It s like going out in party clothes all the time.
    I guess I'm just too dull to get this programme..agree with the comments upthread about Breaking Bad though. now that was awesome.

    1. Hello, in real life they do wear their cut-off (cuts) all the time, except in the shower. They are not costumes, and many have died trying to earn one. Does 1%er mean anything to you? They earn these cuts by doing callous despicable things that most people do not have the balls or psychopathic personalities to do. It is the pride and joy of their existence. Mandatory to show your colors unless committing a crime where you will be id.
      BB is awesome to you? May I use your own words, You are not only dull but stupid. Since when is being a meth head or pusher of a drug that kills thousands of kids each year awesome?

  40. Its a television show stupid,about biker gangs. It's not rocket science. It's fun and entertaining. Who the hell are you and what make you so much smarter than the rest of dumb hicks

  41. I think this is a great review. Totally accurate. I am watching the show and will continue, but I'm not blind. The opener was my first clue. The tattoos morphing into the actors names is total cheese. I hope they changed it for season 2. You don't have to be a hipster to spot a try hard.

  42. I agree with your analysis. But you are a second rate, pretentious writer. I hate myself for reading your blog. Stop being an asshole and go get some fresh air in the east village, dickhead.

  43. Excellent review! Stupid people being stupid, execrable dialogue, moronic plots. Good friends have recommended it so I'm giving it a fair go but it is really difficult to pretend that so many ridiculous events and impossible actions could actually happen. Ho hum.
    Worst of all, the characters are trashy, unwashed thugs; unprincipled, disloyal criminals with no respect for law and order. Watching chimpanzees whose mantra is, "Authority bad; rebellion good!Ook! Ook!" writhe through each wanking episode is painful. These bums are unlike any bikers I have ever known.
    This is over the top violent masturbatory shlock for dull wannabes who cannot squash enough bugs to keep their sad little souls amused. Absolute waste of fake blood, call the prop union. If there is a God they will all die in the finale, woot woot.

    1. I hope you stopped watching here at masturbatory. The every episode anal rape for an entire season and more wasted fake blood than the state of Ca has is in your future.

  44. I can't even follow the story line or understand half of what has happened. The ratting each other out, going to jail, getting framed, and now Jax turning into a psychopath is really stupid and must be getting old to regular viewers. I too hope all the characters die or get locked up in the end. It's a really trashy show.

  45. The Show shows pretty much the internal affairs of a biker club, Charlie Hunnam (Jax) is a real life biker who studied an actual biker club he based his character off a real person. You cant get the full aspect of the show after a few episodes. also watching the episodes more then once allows you to pick up on hints and lets you understand the storyline better. again pretty much everything that goes on in the show is plausible and not just so in a fabricated world. also the secret keepings goes on in all the big biker gangs if they shared half of their actions with the club they would be killed (or kicked out if theyre lucky)

    1. I want some of what your got some crack there in your pipe. SOA in no way even comes close to the real workings of any 1%er MC in this world. Totally false, no outlaw biker gang would let the likes of pussies like Sutter or Hunnam in to study their clubs. In reality though, some new prospects would probably patch in after pimping both the Hollywood wannabe's on the corner.....four ways for a dolla to tap Hunnam's ass. Sutter/Otto would again resume the position. That is reality.
      Hunnam rides a motorcycle, so does my 70 yr old dad, a Goldwing, and the neighbor rides a scooter. None of this makes them "bikers." It makes them men who ride motorcycles, NOT to be mistaken with 1% bikers. That is the difference between a bunny and a rabid pitbull. SOA is so loosely based on the Hell's Angels, it would make a veteran ho seem tight. Sonny Barger Never did wear white sneakers either, like Jax proclaims. There is no history of such, only the lies spun by Sutter and Hunnam to try to give any kind of credibility to the show, Research it people. Just cuz Sutter and Hunnam said so does not make it fact. Ask a HA or anyone who knew Barger. The only plausible thing in SOA is the fact they ride Harley's, Hell's Angels fav ride. If all secret keepings go on in outlaw gangs, how would these two Hollywood putzs know? They would not cuz it's a secret. Obviously, any hit taken out on a fellow member was secret until he was dead. Members who talk, get dead, NEVER kicked out. Would dumb shits like your self at least do minimal research on the subject before spouting erroneous bullshit. That would mean going to the REAL source, which is the Hells Angels and Barger. Sutter is a Hollywood writer who knows not the truth but lies for a living, it's called fiction writing. The Angels, now they would have all the tales and secrets, if you just go to the Sacramento club house and ask. Fortunately for us with brains left, they'd kill your ass 5 blocks away and rid of us another SOA moron.

  46. I find it disgusting that the male species in the USA have gotten so feminine over the last 20 years that they make soap operas for the wimpy pussies. soa, breaking bad, etc.......

    1. AMEN say it again. I'm a five foot woman in my 50's with bigger balls than 95% of the men I have to deal with or meet. It took 8 SWAT pussies to take me down because I exercised my right to give them the double bird. I did not feel like talking to their corrupt asses during my nap time. They mistakenly thought it was a crime and shot up my house. Stay posted for my updated law suit. I admit I come from a very long line of matriarchs but I'm not proud of my 3 male family members hiding behind my nightie. F***ing disgrace. Sad state of affairs indeed.

  47. Show is terrible jax is a stupid name and a crappy actor and his mom is laughable

  48. I watched the first 2, so-so. By seasons 3, I felt I was losing IQ points with every second I watched. This show sucks.

    1. God have mercy and get your self a good book. See what happened to so many idiots who watched the whole series? IQs so low they can not write a full sentence, spell, punctuate or make a supportive answer as to what they like about the show. It just makes them defensive ignorant Nazis who attack anyone who has a differing opinion. That is the common thread throughout the fans.

  49. I love how defensive some of the fans of this show are. It's a daytime soap masquerading as Hamlet. Kurt Sutter is a complete and total hack. If you like this crap, fine. But give up on trying to convince others that it's anything other than a very crappy tv show.

    1. If they watched it and were tolerant of differing opinions it would be fine. It's the fact they are so gullible and easily lead like Nazis attacking. Everyone has a right to their opinion. These zealots will not let anyone post an observation or opinion without attacking the person with hate. I allowed the idiots their folly but am sick of being verbally abused and attacked since last Nov. because I pointed out the flaws in the writing. I'm dishing it back now. Please Sutter give your dumb ass fans the Kool Aid. We can not fix this many stupid asses. They can not even defend the show or remark what is good about it, they are so damn ignorant. If one more gives me grief for using a word over 5 letters or appearing more intelligent than them in one more post.....I'm going to blow!

  50. I am sorry to admit that I have been watching since mid season one,but come on already the show is so so so so vary dumb to this point the only reason I think I keep watching is for a good laugh ofcourse if you really want a good laugh go to there website and look at how much they charge for a flannel shirt that jax wore LMFAO now that's some funny shit there,but I think kurt sutter is a weird fuck who has homosexual fantasy's I know someone who was in a club and they said that gemma would never know our be involved with half the shit that there doing etc etc basically the show sucks I mean other then when they went to Ireland they never leave charming I mean come on again show flat out sucks

    1. Kudos, I have to agree with you. Sutter seems overtly obsessed with the old anal rape. Come on in every episode for seasons? I have TIVO so I can fast forward through any episode that got taped. Sutter's character got sodomized and I quit watching that season. Rumor is he got it every episode. It is the only show that an entire season took less than 18 minutes to watch.
      Website is funny.....better yet go to Sutter ink.
      Sutter actually writes he does not believe in this shit, it's simply to pay his mortgage. He also admits it's his fault he leaked the finale. Best of all he flat out does a live interview, telling the world he was bored and sick of writing SOA after s3. He was pulling gimmicks to keep it going after s3 because the ratings dropped so low, He was begging people to watch his self professed crap. Puzzle is.....Sutter admits what shit we know it is, but can there really be that many dumb asses loyal to a man who publicly laughs at them?
      Fans swear he is God and he is on live TV telling the world thank god it's over. Fuck you all for being so naive to believe I nothing to do with leaking the end, but buy my trash book so I can grub on your money, you morons. That is more precious than a stank ass shirt to me.
      If that is not a strong statement for abortion after the fact, I do not know what is.

  51. And I mean all the crying and pissing moaning crap that goes on, They make wanting to get a divorce and have someone else be the guardian a whole season worth of watching wtf and all the things that seem to happen to them club house blowing up,son getting kidnapped to Ireland,collabarating with a drug cartel,being blacked balled by a gangster who orders the death of the best friend then ofcourse you have there porno and prostitiution dealings oh and lets not forget that gemma was on the run from the law and is somehow out and about having a gay old time like nothing ever happened the show is total crap I mean tara doesn't want her kids around that life then why marry the guy and then have the quick change of mind she suddenly realize that he was in a outlaw group get real id rather watch a re run of Seinfeld

  52. I can understand why some people don't like the show. Yes most of the situation they get in are stupid and the character are really stupid and trashy. I don't understand why those "badass" biker refuse to sell drugs because of some weird sense of moral, but killing a bunch of people is OK.

    That being said, I find the show entertaining and I have fun watching it. A lot of the comments on this review a plainly insulting the viewer instead of the show and that is wrong. here is an example : "Sons of anarchy is an idiotic male soap opera for braindead morons." Shallow comments like this are just plain hateful and should be kept to yourself.

    1. Who started the hating? I gave the show an honest chance and an honest review. I thought the writing to be sloppy, the story without merit on the many random, unrealistic plots, etc. I could not understand how everyone was crying and lamenting like 9/11 just happened again. I asked fans honestly what was the most disturbing to them, since it had not brought me to tears, outside of boredom? I had over 100 posts threatening me, attacking me, everyone who wrote was hate filled and and behaving like Hitler. Because my opinion was different. They used all kinds of foul names and language. SOA fans as a whole, sound like vicious ignorant morons. When I pointed out, a obvious flaw in writing, I was called all sorts of names and hated because I appeared to be making myself more intelligent than the fans posts. I can only speak my opinion in English, with proper grammar, if the fans are inbred trailer trash who do not bother to educate themselves, that is on them. SOA fans should not watch TV and finish high school, so they have the ability to know good scripts from bad. For God's sake, most of them can not use spell check or use words over 4 letters. They make themselves look stupid. I did not attack any person until the 100 racists posts. I see I have another 99 since I posted on this site earlier today. Pack mentality is the mark of ignorant back water morons. The only people who dislike this show are people who are educated enough to read the real Hamlet. This show is like watching a Dr.Seuss show. I loved Dr. Seuss 47 years ago, I've matured beyond it. When the fans mature and gain wisdom, I bet they will be saying it sucks too. As much as it hurts your feelings, their is great truth is that statement. A person with an IQ of 80 is an idiot savant. This show's writing is so simple an idiot savant can follow it and be bored. That is fact, not being hateful. Perhaps, it should not spur you to anger but spur you to become more than your are now. Mature thinking would analyze what people are dissing, is it true? Well yes it is, how can I become more educated and discerning in my TV choices?

  53. ok can anyone who watches this show explain to me why they ride motorcycles instead of using i don't know an suv or truck, anything with more protection and more ability to move people and guns? if its only to be bad ass then thats just dumb, real criminals would care more about making money than looking cool. Also the main female lead is horribly ugly, i thought skyler white was gross but this womans face reminds me of a muppet.

    1. Real criminals care just as much about looking good/cool. That is part of the game. Real criminals don't let camera crews film their dirty secrets, that's the difference. Sutter has no real life experience to draw from, with no experience in the subject, no substance can be made.

  54. they stuck around to long now the show is running out of gas

  55. I used to like it but it is getting more stupid and pointless by the episode. At this point I don't care what happens. The entire gang driving off a cliff might be appropriate.

  56. I hate to say negative stuff ~ but I gave up on this show after five and a bit seasons. Yeah ~ crazy hey! To stick around for that long!! I've given up completely now and have absolutely no interest what happens between the gang and the Irish. The dialogue/gobbledegook is written by seemingly uneducated idiots. I mean, c'mon? The meds, the meds the friggin' meds already! The intel, the intel, reached out. He reached out to me. And on and on... Also, the concepts that go into the show. The sick and twisted soul-rotting, farcical rubbish that the people behind this show actually conceive of, and then put down on the camera! Anybody who's watched this show knows what I'm talking about. The bikey with necrophiliac proclivities. The same dude watched his daughter burn!! Even Sutter's forlorn and uber-depressing character takes his own demise a little too seriously. Instead of carrying some kind of message, it just turns into nonsensical absurdity. Sutter's tardsville argument as to why he put the whole kid with a gun in an episode. To hold a mirror up to society, etc was his reason. What contrived garbage. It's because you guys are really friggin' sick in the head. That why!! But, the storyline just digresses/regresses - like this post of mine. Another funny aspect is, most of the SOA tough guys look so unhealthy, overweight and unfit that they're more likely to pass-out from standing up, let alone get involved in physical scuffles. I mean, how are these obese and atrophy afflicted fag smokers seriously gonna put up a chase on foot or fight? And the montages!!! The montages!!! Nearly every episode. And the crap music!!! The crap music!!! I've heard the worst songs EVER while watching this baloney!!! Must they close every episode with a montage sequence? I'm now very accurate at guessing the exact sequence of the montage. E.g., The next shot's gonna pan-in on Jimmy Smit with his glazed eyes perplexingly pondering the quagmire of his acting career since LA Law while also contemplating what his next move is when it comes to his Mama. What's the play? Free yourselves people. You're better than this ludicrousness!!! And besides, it ain't no good for the little gray cells.

    1. You know why the montages.......Sutter can't write no more. What the hell else is going to fill that last 10 minutes of time? Dialogue sucked through the first 35 minutes. If I had not muted most of the show, when I chose to watch, I would have turned it off. I for one, was happy no verbal assaults were going on until the last minute. Unfortunately, except for the few posters on here, all other sites are posts filled with rage/hate for anyone who does not see this as the second coming of Christ. They are not better than this I discovered.

  57. This show sucks if taking care of your family involves murder.caused by everybody in the show.I hope they don't come up with the book.

  58. I just started watching in October as I did with Mad Men, watched from episode one right up to the current season... it lends a continuous timeline perspective without all of the season cliffhangers and breaks.
    The show gets a little far fetched in season 3 in regards to story lines. There is not one break in action. I'm also from Sacramento so the towns locations are disturbing! I figure Charming has to be where Gslt/Lodi meet. Definitely trashy hoods. I do like how they can be in Oakland in 15 minutes from the Stockton area... Also how one gang was from Calaveras! Ha! Should have been riding a pack mule and packing gold pans and a slouse box!
    I wish the characters were smarter and evolved. Instead they don't grow and have devolved.
    In the middle of season 5 now...

  59. I just started watching the show. They're a pretty shitty organized crime syndicate. It seems like they are spread out world wide, or at least Europe. They murder people, deal in arms with terrorists and they can't scratch together paltry sums of money. In one episode, a character had to sell his prized possession for a few grand to get the latest scheme going.

    What's the point of doing all of these high risk crimes if your only prize is staying in your own shitty town not making any money? Every episode is like an episode of world's dumbest criminals.

  60. I'm used to ignoring 'mistakes' in cheap entertainment because it does what it has to do - it keeps many people entertained and brings in money.
    I'm very forgiving in that sense and tend to judge the story in the bounds of the portrayed 'reality'. Most of the shootouts and fights in most of the films and series are unreal; I accept that as well as many other mismatches with our reality. We pretty much have to do that in order to enjoy cheap entertainment, be it in the form of moving pictures or books.

    But even I gave up in the middle of the third season. It could be enjoyable and I want to like it but knowing that Gemma can't possibly die makes me hate the writer. All of her retarded actions, written specifically for her, to make her look like a bad-ass strong woman in a manly-man's gang world. I don't understand why the characters around her still respect and listen to her, even in the confined reality they're based in, after all the stupid crap she's done.

    By beef with the show is only with Sagal's husband. I can't judge the show any further but knowing that she's still alive in the last season killed my ability to enjoy it. To specify, not killed off by the show, but killed by the characters in the show, considering all the shit that happened because of her. I'd expect that reaction, I can't possibly imagine anyone really reacting to her actions as they do in the show.

    1. I'm too old and too ornery to do stupid a minute longer. I will not ignore shit writing in movies or books. It's this passive stupidity we offer up for the raunchiest of shit scripts. Since we can't fix stupid, those of left with minds, can put out foot down and refuse to watch crap. Hollywood needs a wake up call to provide us with some thoughtful, will scripted shows. If they don't. turn it off and see how fast ratings fall. Losing viewers means losing advertising dollars. No network is going to let their money slip away. Force them to produce better shows. We are the consumers, and need to act like such. Networks are dependent pm us viewers, we are not dependent on the networks. If a show sucks, don't settle, read a book, go outside and find a hobby. Less than 50 years ago, we did not need TV to live or entertain ourselves. If half of the US turned off the TV for one week, it would bring the networks to their knees. They are counting on the mindless masses to keep quiet on the pablum they spoon feed them.

  61. The reason why people love BB and hate SOA is because the characters in BB actually have redeeming qualities. You grow to like many of them, or at least be fascinated by them. And the Walter White story is so compelling precisely because he's a good man tragically caught up in a downward spiral; he's both selfless and criminal at the same time. All the character arcs are compelling in that show.

    SOA, by contrast, is just a bunch of white trash criminals. They're murderers, thieves, bullies with nothing to redeem them. These aren't good men tragically caught in a bad situation; they're scumbags from the start.

    When I watching this show, all I kept thinking was please just kill all these f*ckers off already. The best ending for the show would be the townspeople finally arming themselves and just mowing down the whole f*cking gang on main street.

  62. Alot of people i know have been obsessed with this show, and i have to admit CHARLIE HANNAM was a good enough reason for me to buy the first five seasons off ebay.. wow what a waste of money... i am going to keep on watching just because of the $130 i spent on it... i cant believe for one that they are all unemployed run abouts and "working" at their mechanic shop is a load of shit - doesnt count.

    Donna gets shot to death by opies MC brothers. Jax is his best friend and still covers up for bad behaviour by adding even more bad behaviour. I am up to disc six and Opie just finds out the truth behind it, i am frustrated, i feeling screaming im sitting here listening to the wankers talk around a big wooden table about guns no one is even talking about DONNA and the fact they killed her. And Piney just misses a perfect shot at blowing up Clays butt ugly head... imagine that. Couldnt even imgaine what id do if they killed my wife hell i can even say that if they killed my dog even i woudnt be wearing a piece of shit leater vest around the town.. EVER again.

    The sleeping with biker sluts is also disgusting espically since they have loving old ladies who they would do anything for...funny how they never play episodes of how they give their wives STDS. the message being sent out is that this kind of behavoiur is justified because a bunch of back stabbing two faced unemplyed run abouts wear leather vests with a bunch of shit written on it. Gemma "Clay wont want my used up torn apart pussy, he will go find another one" cry cry.. almost vomited to even think clay would be even lucky enough to get one wrapped around his... yeah you know what considering the look of his head.

    "It is protecting the club" ït is in the best interest of the club", "the club this, the club that" - clubs and being part of clubs are suppose to be hobbies or a part of expressing your own interest in particular things such as motorcyles to enjoy .. motorcycles in this show are minimal. Gemma worries about Jax travelling to Nevada by himself... so douche bag drive a god damn car with tinted windows. LOGIC isnt exactly glorified in this show.

    1. I'll give you the rant, because the $130 hit you took is like you getting F*****D and the STDs.
      LOGIC would have been getting all 6 seasons on Netflix streaming for $8 a month. I'm sure you would have been done in less than a month with $120 left for popcorn. SOA has been on Netflix forever and will stay there. I get Charlie's ass is indeed a glorious thing to behold, but you can pause on it on Netflix too for way less money:) Hell sometimes it's my screen saver!

  63. I have to agree with the general consensus of those above: Sons of Anarchy sucks (I watch it cuz I really can't believe how bad the show is and I want to see if it can possibly get any worse).

    I have never seen so many plot lines woven together like a magicians trick, all designed to keep our eyes off the ball - the ball that has written across its face - Turn the TV off moron and go to bed.

    How many one-punch fantasy fights can one endure? How many times must we watch fat old white geezers beat down others and not one of them falls down? How many times must we see skanky females go ga ga over these same fat old white geezers? A guy gets nearly blown up and ends up in the hospital for a couple of episodes with brain swelling and hemorrhaging. What does he do in the next couple of episodes? Brawls with other gangs. The guy recovered faster from brain surgery than I did from Lasik eye surgery. Another guy is shot in the shoulder and it's just a flesh wound. No need to worry about infection.

    People are killed - no one is arrested, no DNA is ever taken, fingerprints, alibis are not checked. In the episode where the bomb goes off, it's stated that the Department of Homeland Security will take over the investigation, yet nothing comes of it. It's equivalent to Timothy McVeigh being questioned and released without any police investigation. The local law enforcement spends no effort on trying to solve any of the myriad crimes, murder, and mayhem. The ATF and FBI are portrayed as keystone cops.

    If there were this many brutal murders, rapes, and beat downs in any American small city, the police and their affiliates (federal and state) would be all over it. Not in the pleasant town of Charming (I guess that's what makes it so charming?). Witnesses and judges - even federal judges - are threatened and beaten and yet not a single one of our beloved MC groupies is brought to justice?

    Make believe!!! Cartoon!!! Call it what you want. But again the answer from this show is just to throw more plot lines into the mix and hope we all forget. Probably the worst aspect of the show is the ridiculous middle class lifestyles these MC outlaws enjoy. Family potlucks, swing sets, young kids, babies, everything you want to share with your porn star girlfriend. Yep... a fine tribute to American culture.

    1. Yes, reading your consensus does make me mad at my husband again. I'm married to a man who works for the Defense Dept. with one of our nations top, secret security passes. He can not speak a word of his job because everything is proprietary information only. Which means after 11 years of marriage I have never been to his work or been able to bring his birthday balloons without getting arrested. Like Tara, I had an old BF who was a pain in my ass too. Didn't Jax kill him with Tara and get rid of the body and no questions asked?
      I have asked my husband to just run my ex out of the state, or let me bury the body and yet he still refuses me. He claims it is against the law and I/he would go to prison for such an act. Now we live in a large city with lots of woods and bottomless lakes, but he will not do it. I obviously need a husband from Charming! This is why I hate SOA:) I never get to do anything despicable.

  64. In addition to the criticisms leveled in the above post at 2:04 yesterday (see above), I'd like to add that the characters are liars - all of them keep secrets and lie to one another. Is this really how we model our closest relationships? Lying. There are so many lies you need a large dendrogram simply to keep track of them. So many of these lies have are so outlandish that they become comical. It's just one more way SOA sucks.

    1. Please put SOA in the opening sentence, otherwise I thought you were talking about marriage:)
      Thank God I caught the second to the last word or I would have figured one of my drunk neighbors got loose again!

  65. I enjoy the show immensely. First of all, regardless of how you feel about the show, this article is awful. "It's really stupid show about stupid people being stupid" is something that I expect a first grader to say about a thing he doesn't like. Not too far off actually. The opinion is in the minority, by the way, as SOA and Rescue Me are by far the best shows FX has put out.

    Yes, there are some things that stretch what is realistic. There's the same issues in Breaking Bad, too, but no one wants to talk about those. A pop up gun in the trunk that kills a whole room full of people who could have avoided it by hitting the floor as soon as they hear the shots? Walt getting into a "rage" and shooting Mike just because they needed Mike to die and they couldn't think up a better way to do it? Hank not turning in Walt as soon as he finds out what's going on? Jessie doing half the things he does to totally fuck everything up? Not saying BB isn't a great show, or that SOA is as good (it isn't), but every show has logic leaps that are covered by flimsy explanations. And people who are doing 180s and saying that they can't root for SAMCRO because they protecting their club/families through illegal activities? Please. Watch Breaking Bad

    For those of you online biker gang members, I understand SOA probably isn't like a real life biker gang. It's enhanced for entertainment. Actual trials and investigations are nothing like what we see on TV, but as a guy in his 3L year of law school, it doesn't bother me. I see enough boring ass trials and depositions as it is. Actual sword fighting is nothing at all like it's done in GOT or LOTR. Sword-on-sword parries are pretty much Hollywood fiction. It's fine, because no one wants to see people bashing their shields together and trying haphazardly to poke the each other.

    C'mon, if you don't like the show you don't like the show. I understand that. But saying it's not good because it isn't like a real biker gang or that it must suck because it isn't BB is ridiculous.

    1. First and foremost, I applaud your educated grasp of the basic English language and proper grammar, punctuation, and are able to articulate yourself quite well. You are the first SOA fan that can. You have presented your opinion well without hate or rage for others who share differing opinions. I do object to your statement that the dislike of the show is in the minority. Have you interviewed every person in America? Let's do simple math. US has 320 million people. The top viewing was only on the finale where 6.2 million viewed. The bulk(4.6 mil) being 18-49 yrs old. That is far from a Majority but, is as stated in the article, a minority. Those of us who are 50+ make up a very large portion of viewers, more than a mere 4.6 million. In my city live 6.9 million people. I admit I did not talk to everyone, but I am quite social and no one but myself was ever interested in watching a single episode. My husband when I forced him made two people I know. I do live in a very blue, laid back tree hugging state who abhors violence, so it is not shocking the viewership in the West is low. While the 4.6 mil ages 18-49 who watch FX on one episode was the majority for one night, it still does not make it majority on TV. Millions of toddlers believe Barney and Teletubbies are the best shows put out on network channels, it does not mean a majority of viewers do. This country is 45% baby boomers, your 4.6 mil is a LONG way from 45% of viewers. You are in the minority no matter how much you enjoy the show. Enjoy the poor writing, but don't make false claims, it undermines your intelligence and argument. Breaking Bad...if you read the posts on here made today, there are people who do not in any way say it is a good show. Meth addiction is pandemic in the US today. There is nothing, nor will there ever be anything glorious, good, or great show material about the manufacturing of a highly addictive and deadly drug. Walt will never be slick hip or cool. He is a felon who preys on the addictions and diseases of the weak for financial gain.If you were his lawyer does the fact he has cancer negate the fact he is a felonious criminal? There are two groups who love BB. Majority have a glamorized view of how cool it is because your naive and have never tried meth. The other are young street slangers who are uneducated,with no means of financial support. Breaking Bad ever tell the truth of cooking meth? Walt's bullshit recipe does not exist it's fiction. FACT: where a single batch of meth is cooked, the toxins seep into the walls and the only way to rid it..enclose the entire house and raze it and the earth under it. Kids who weigh half of their normal weight, scabby, scratching, selling their bodies for a single hit of that toxic shit, tweekers committing random acts of violence for $10 bag. It's only entertaining to ignorant asses. Unfortunately, your age group does win the majority on that one. There is nothing in either show to redeem it or root for. Maybe it is the fact I'm over 50, survived the streets, spent 20 yrs in a hospital trying to heal, help, care for these twisted shells of humanity. Death and carnage is not entertainment worthy unless your a psychopath. We agree BB is bad, no writing can make what it represents right.
      SOA is terrible because it is poorly written, terrible characters who have no depth or any complexity, no plot lines that make any sense or add to the story for starters. Sutter is a mediocre writer at best, who stole a classic story and debauched it into a meaningless mass of gratuitous unnecessary violence because he had no skill in providing dialogue. His talent to write interesting plots and develop his characters gave way to lazy over the top violent acts of murder. The culmination of what pieces I saw and heard about, were sodomy in every episode the final season. This alone makes it garbage.

  66. I started watching Sons of Anarchy due to good reviews from a friend and good reviews in general. I have only watched the first two episodes but find it to be highly overrated and somewhat un-watchable.I watched the first episode with an open mind ( I wanted to have another good show to watch after Breaking Bad ) and had to force myself to watch another episode to give it a fair chance. It may be a popular show but I don't think its for me.

  67. Almost everything bad that happens in this show is somehow tied to Gemma and her stupidity. If somebody just ran her over, everybody's life would be just fine.

  68. Like many above... I found this page by searching google for "Sons of Anarchy overrated". I needed to find some intelligent comment given then fact that numerous people around me think it's one of the best shows on television. It isn't. It's actually horrible, dumb shit television.

    And here's why:

    1. Have you ever heard a script with so many over-used "I love you"s, "I'll never let anything happen to you again, I promise". Give me a break. We all know your a fucking idiot who makes decisions that result in nothing BUT the potential for harm. Stop saying it you imbeciles. If the show were anywhere close to being real, Clay probably would have left the gas on in the club after lighting his cigarette in the first episode and they would all be dead after an almighty explosion. Such is his infinite wisdom.

    2. Horrible overracting: Actors playing roles of Clay, Jax, Gemma and Tara all suck in their own special way. Charlie Hunnam's take on a biker being angry is laughable. The actor playing Clay seems to think that "acting like a badass" gives him an exemption from acting much at all. He has one speed... and that speed ought to keep him on the sidewalk.

    3. Casting: My only complaint if casting a heart throb vice president to pander to a female demographic at the expense of a realistic portrayal. Who in their right mind believes that a MC with as much history as is portrayed in this series, would allow some young pretty boy to waltz in and be Vice President. Ludicrous. They'd more likely be bitching about Gen Y and how they think they can just have whatever they want now. "Oh the new generation of biker wears white sneakers and loves Nirvana... doncha know?" Fuck off.

    4. The writing is hideously boring. Tension is shallow and lacking in creativity. Power struggles are extremely predictable. Then again... they probably don't want to hurt the brains of their average viewer.

    5. The stupidity of the characters' decisions is baffling. If it were real life they would all be dead or in jail for decades.

    For those that like this show... fine. But don't compare it to show's like Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, House of Cards or Deadwood. It is no where near the quality of those shows.

    1. I love your passion for pointing out the weak shit.
      Casting Charlie was only for the cougars to drool over his bare round firm ass. He wore shoes? That must have been the seasons I had the mute button on?

  69. this show is completely overrated throws a bunch of meaningless storylines to conjure up action...terrible acting....basically its Grand Theft Auto without the gameplay

  70. All I want is for everyone who wears SOA apparel on their bikes to meet EFMC or the Hell's Angels on the road and act tough. real life 1% forever.

    1. Have you not read many posts by SOA fans? I doubt most have the intelligence to acquire a skill, even stealing or slanging to buy a bike. If by miracle they do, I have yet to see an intelligent post that proves they could pass a vehicle test or figure out how to buy an outfit online. Pretty sure one needs a credit card, none of the ones I've talked to even have a VCR, they don't know what a DVR is. SOA fans only seem to post hateful shit online to anyone who does not share their idiot savant opinions, Guessing here, but the 1% I know, won't waste time with a retard on a big wheel.....

  71. A bunch of 'nobody has been' actors in a stupid waste of time tv show. Oh BTW, the bikers theme is so GAY!

  72. This show blows! The acting, the script, the action sequences, etc What I find so odd is that there's such a huge fan base. To me , its a badly written soap opera using a biker gang as a back drop. And BTW, Jax walks like George Jefferson.Zzzzzzzzzz

  73. I watched this until there were regular bad Irish accents and it killed the show for me. It was going along OK. I even overlooked the fact that Ireland has one of the strictest gun laws in the world and America is overloaded with guns that you can buy in walmart. Yet the SOA get their guns from Ireland and a lot of guns! But this guys accent is worse then Sean Conroy's in "Darby O'Gill and the little people". I could no longer take it seriously. I have come to the conclusion that this show is "The A-team trying to be clever".

  74. I really tried to like this show based on a friend's recommendation. Sorry. To rate this show as mediocre is extremely charitable. There's some real acting talent that is wasted with horrendous writing. It's disturbing that such a dumb show has appealed to quite a few people. SOA does not remotely belong in the same class as Justified, Dexter, The Wire or Breaking Bad...and not in the same building with The Sopranos.

    1. I had a phenomenal number of idiots threaten me with all assorted lynchings, rapes, disfigurement, nothing original they did not see on SOA. Simply because I did not hold the same high opinion of the show. Careful or cretins will crawl out of their holes.

  75. SOA is the only show I've ever watched that gets worse with a beer or a toke.

    Basically, it's bold and the beautiful on harleys.

    It's as shit as those black cowls their harleys don.

    Ahh another vacuous internet rant, might try huffing paint next time. ..

    1. ^^lol at the black cowls.

    2. Just mute the show when it comes on and get the CNA's to alert you when Charlie's ass is bared. Unless your a guy, then I suggest another show.
      Next time? Why waste a good huffing?

  76. Dont forget the shitty montages at the end of every fuckin episode.

    1. Too true. Everybody take it down a notch. It's time to reflect with our loved ones to the soothing sounds of a crap acoustic guitar. Fade to logo and credits. The outros were worse than the opening theme which was godawful.

  77. this show had one good season. but characters that have any redemable characters get killed off or will get killed off and the main character is a jerk and i don't care if most of these people get killed. after opie died, the show died too. he was the best thing in it

  78. show is going down hill

  79. Totally agree, at the end of season 1 when Tara was trying to leave and Jax whined until she stayed I lost all interest in his character, he uses his “good intentions” to selfishly drag others down with him and it’s just a joyless downward spiral of violence for everyone from there. At least Clay and Tiggs are kinda fun characters who are honest about what they are, but even great actors like Ron Perlman don’t seem to be having much fun.
    You’re wrong about Justified though, that’s a show you can watch for the dialogue alone and Tim Olyphant and Walton Goggins actually have charisma.

    1. In SOA Walton Goggins had some very alluring charisma. I didn't recognize him at first as Venus. I would have thought there is no way he could ever look half decent as a woman!

  80. Gemma should have been killed off a long time ago. But since she's Kurt Sutter's wife he won't since it's a vanity project for her. For the record Sopranos sucked after about two and a half season also, but even sucking it was better than the best SOA had to offer.

    The thing is there is nothing inherently wrong with terrible TV shows or acting, but when the creators and fans want to pretend that is some great fucking 'American Story' that it isn't then that is bullshit. To me it is like Trailer Park Boys, except TPB gets the joke. Fuck as Ricky would say, "this isn't rocket appliances".

  81. This show has several major flaws.

    1. The antagonistic cops or feds are never just honest lawmen. It's either they're sort of half working with the gang (like Hale) to solve a worse problem, or they're corrupt or reckless, like Stahl, Kohn, or Linc. I get that bringing them down from a moral high road is meant to generate sympathy for the gang, but it's lazy lazy writing. It's also the biggest flaw in The Shield, which of course was another (much better) Kurt Sutter anti-hero story. The writers don't seem to be comfortable with letting the audience grapple with the cognitive dissonance that would result from the protagonists fighting against and hurting good people who are trying to protect civil society.

    2. While it's great that the show has strong female characters and probably even passes the Bechdel Test, they tend to be unpredictable to a fault. Not in a believable way, but in a way that allows the writers to have them do things that don't make any sense to suit the needs of a plot. Gemma goes from cold-hearted to crying to cold-hearted when the writers demand so, not according to any real character development. Tara's character doesn't make any sense at all. Why would a talented surgeon stay in such an idiotic situation, and why the hell does it seem like her and Jax are always broke if she's a damn surgeon? I get that in real life, couples stay together when they shouldn't, and partners stick around even when abused, but the socioeconomic gap between Tara and Jax is unrealistic.

    3. Charlie Hunnam is a bad actor, and Jax is also poorly written. Hunnam seems to be only capable of three facial expressions: Happy/loving smile, angry/self-righteous smile, and angsty/contemplative brow scrunching. He just looks like such an asshole when he smiles, and he does it all the time. The character Jax also has a problem with decisions: Either he's indecisive, or he's making the wrong decision. And when he's making the correct decision, the writers hit us over the head with that fact by making normally-intelligent Clay look like a complete idiot. Ron Perlman's performance was pretty much the only thing that kept me with the show until I gave up in season 4.

    There are a number of other problems, but these three are what did it for me.

    1. Scott, I agree the writing was slop and lazy, but even Sutter, himself admits he was bored after S3 and posts he has bills to pay. Sutter is the first to say, he does not believe in SOA and it is not who he is, but he has a mortgage. Garbage men hate summer stank from our trash but have bills too.
      1) two things are erroneous: Most cops, FBI, DEA are corrupt to some extent, comes with the territory, higher rank higher the corruption. I live in a very corrupt state I used to think, until I saw it all over the US. Honest cops would have been unbelievable.
      Sutter was just a staff writer on the Shield, he was not the main writer, so he was reigned in much better. I think it helped the Shield greatly. All his oversights or fantasy's gone wild, were stomped and someone who had more talent than ego stepped in to write the episode. If only we could be so lucky as to have him back on staff writing and not creating a moronic following of blind Hitler like youths, infatuated with Sutter and ultra violence.
      2) Tara was only a resident. She came back to do her residency in Charming. Surgeons are residents for 4 years and paid only stipends to cover their schooling. 30K a year before taxes and no raises. They also spend the night sleeping at the hospital at least 3 nocs a week. They are not allowed to steal supplies from the hospital to patch up biker's either. You get caught with a felon and you lose your license. Side note, we laughed while watching the show at the hospital. Most of the shot biker's, could not be helped by a resident in the clubhouse with a pair of hemostats and a suture kits, no way no how. Jax made more than her with the gun trade. He would have make more than her for a decade. Student loans and residency for pediatrics are enormous, it takes a decade to pay off.
      3) You don't get Jax due to your a guy. Jax's ass was there to get a women following, and it did just that. I have not heard one person talk about him as an actor, the only posts I see are comments by women, on how fine his ass is. Who the F**K cares if he can act, when he looks so fine leaving? We gals, watch with the mute on.
      Now Scott that is the world according to women, it should have addressed all the faults of SOA. In life it is not about the guys always, T&A applies to woman too!

    2. Sons of Anarchy returning to TV screens again soon to FX Channel summer 2026.

  82. My main problem with the show, besides the bad acting and poor writing, is that Jax IS NOT a motorcycle club member, he does not portray one what so ever. Wearing tennis shoes and having your pants fall off your ass?? That's not how MC members are, I could almost forgive the show if it wasn't for that, almost. Ron Pearlman makes a good MC member, but he's about the only one.

    1. Sutter and Hunnam made some shit up that only in Cali, they wear white sneakers. Sutter claims he researched it extensively. I've never seen it in real life or in any pictures of real MC 1% clubs. I am in contact with Bandidos, Gypsies Jokers, Hell's Angels, Mongols through my hospital. They all wear boots. The ones who are para's and can't move from waist down or ride, still wear boots. Trust me, I spend 30 minutes trying to get their boots on while in the hospital rehab unit. The pants thing is true, not sure if the younger prospects like to wear pants like this, but most men when they get older, all have that plumber's ass. You get old, your pants fall down your sagging ass. That is life.

  83. Yep, I am disappointed with SOA too!
    I saw the 1st season, lost interest and then heard this was the final season so I decided to DVR what's left of season 7.... and WOW, I know what you guys are talking about!
    FIRST, It seems like Kurt Sutter story line just became his fantasy to be in a MC, BUT he neglected to get anyone on staff with any real life experience to keep him on track.
    Then instead of a storyline that made sense, it's just the more shocking the better... It doesn't really have to make sense as long as there's blood and guts -
    And now they are doing a little 30 min. mini reunion show at the end of each of the last 4 episodes in an attempt to wrap things up for the viewers Kurt says, which consist of Kurt and a few actors bragging about how great a writer Kurt is and how stupid the Critics are for not nominating the show for any awards, other than the opening music. I almost gagged at how full of himself Kurt Sutter is. It almost seemed like the actors were required to bow to the king writer and go on and on about how well the show is written, and the great drama he delivers week after week. It will almost make you gag to watch it.

    1. Careful, I had some freak from Detroit reply to my post on SOA and threaten to find me and cut off my "tits" and shove get it, for "dissing" Sutter. The psycho then said Sutter does no wrong. I had said Sutter leaked his book on purpose for free publicity and he did not care about the fans. Either way he would cash out and it did not matter to him, he ruined the end, for his loyal fans of 7 seasons. The threats persisted even after Sutter came out in writing, claiming it was HIS fault. The psycho replied I would not be raped with my own body parts, "he just hates it when anyone disses Sutter." This is one of many replies to my posted opinions. Afterword with Sutter was nauseating I agree.
      Does anyone else on this or other sites that post SOA opinions notice if you do not like the show or draw attention to the absurd or poorly written script, you are attacked? The crazy mind washed Hitler youth fans always use "hate" and resort to violence trash talk about raping you or killing? Sutter's first script on his own has spawned a demon child. May his next endeavor crash and he go back into staff writing. We don't need another self absorbed Manson lookalike to lead the already retarded youths into further violence.

    2. Sons of Anarchy: Legacy planned TV series coming soon in 2026 FX Channel.

    3. Mayans Inc. Retribution planned TV series coming soon to FX Channel summer 2026.

  84. I think this could have been a great show had they acquired a LARGE group of actors to make up the MC. Then he would have had a huge number of personal stories to explore, like guys back from each of the wars and their families trying move on and cope with the VA and unruly kids and unhappy women, you know... instead of nothing but guns, guns and more guns yet the only time any of the 8 get hurt is in retaliation! Just gets boring and unbelievable real quick! Too bad....... Maybe Harley Davison will sponser someone else to do the story right, I'm sure this show is good for business!

    1. Sons of Anarchy compilation movie from 2008-14 coming soon to Tubi TV streaming service.

  85. I hate this show so much after this last season. I wish that Jax would get raped and beaten and broken and left to die. its what he deserves and so does the rest of SOA. They absolutly ruined this show piece by piece in this last season.

    1. Harley Davidson and Indian motorcycles the standard personal favorite of Jax Teller and his gang.

  86. Hey, i know you sam strange. Your the self rightious little twerp that points out the inaccuracies in cartoons to make yourself feel better about your own learning disabilities and gender confusion. I bet your parents were so proud and amazed by you when you stated with a cute little pout that turtles were not good at ninja. You know samantha, a lot of us are already familiar with Tolstoy and Frost. Most of us have already caught up on current events in our vast everchanging world courtesy of cnn and msnbc or maybe even a little cspan, We just want to unwind and watch something maybe remotely unrelated to our own lives. No one needs your smirky dialogue about bugs bunny or Jax not being real, however I'm sure mumsie and pa pa will give you an ataboy and maybe a little slap on the back side from pa pa just like to give you a little woodie. As for now go paint your toe nails while watching the view and by the way, there are some episodes that depict juice taking it in the backside. I'm sure that's right up your alley. No pun intended.

    1. You obviously, are one of the people who do not know Tolstoy or basic English and grammar. Precisely, the ignorant and intolerant who can not use proper grammar or punctuation, even with a computer to do it for you. Names and I are always capitalized. People who watch the aforementioned news channels are fed up with gratuitous senseless violence, unless psychopaths. Most seeking escape from violence with something thought provoking or leading to some kind of reflection of thought. If rape scenes are your idea of escape, I encourage you to seek professional help at once. Better yet, get yourself jailed for some violent hate crime you are destined to commit based on your comments, Hopefully for life, may it already be committed on one of your other obsessed SOA fans. Your inability to let others have a differing opinion than yours is paralleled to Hitler's. You show neither intelligence or maturity in your post. Perhaps, if you spent time, learning English and grammar instead of watching trash television, your opinion would not be one of homophobia and intolerance. This post reads like a hate crime being premeditated by a spoiled brain dead 15year old. Instead of defending what you thought was good in SOA, you attack the lifestyle, choices and opinions of all who differ from yours. Truth is the SOA is so poorly written and a garbage show, that no one can even talk about what made it good to them, just attack others gender or sexuality, SOA, fans are notorious for this kind of post. Proof that the show just taught mindless idiots to attack people and not have an original thought in their narrow, empty hate filled brains.

  87. Holy shit. I have found the last remaining sane people on the planet. Sutter is a hack. He played a few hours of Grand Theft Auto and scripted it into a TV show. B-but it's his interpretation of Hamlet! Fuck him and the retards that gobble up his bullshit shows.

    1. I thought the same thing! I hold out hope I may step out of my home and not be lynched again for having my own thoughts and opinions. This show was slop to be fed to the dumb ass masses.

    2. Sons of Anarchy action adventure crime detective espionage melodrama TV series aired on FX Channel from 2008-14 for six seasons starring Charlie Hunnam as A. Jackson Teller the main hero protagonist antihero antagonist and villain of the series.

    3. Mayans Inc. A spinoff of Sons of Anarchy a fictional organization mostly of Mexican Americans who supported Hispanic biker outlaw guerrilla gangsters fighting for freedom justice unity peace brotherhood & reconciliation against racism protect ethnic minorities from deportation and defend racial diversity of Latino community & the struggle continues.

  88. Knowing actual bikers and cops this show is annoying as hell. It's like some drunk guy was writing a premise to the fascinating 1960s biker culture but somehow got stuck on his ego and fantasy and ended up writing a cliche'd retell of some biker stories of days gone by. All condensed into 45 minutes of stupid. Ron Perlman is this supporting actor as in he supports the integrity of the whole production , just on the size of his Cro-Magnon cranium. Katy Segal does not come anywhere close to a rough and tumble bitch. Did you not hear the way she sounded so uncomfy after she said she would give her man a tug job in the photo booth? No conviction. And this adonis -brad pitt archetype as the lead. PUKE. Annoying. Dexter, at least I could watch on as it was somewhat original on a basic level. On aside note, I run a blog freQazoidiac and the mascots always have the xtra wide pop eyes like your character at the top. Great !

    1. Charlie Hunnam's ass shots were the only redeeming views of the SOA. Don't knock what a firm ass will do for a pack of women.....we simply mute the tv. As for Katey and her tug and chug, I'm speaking from experience as a woman, there are times when it is not an advantage to be bragging about such things with gusto! I enjoyed seeing her as something other than Peg Bundy. All other opinions I share, it was unrealistic and poorly written.

  89. I started watching SoA after reading your review, and I have to say you nailed it. Violent and aimless biker gang morons who go around smashing people and things while hiding behind a thinly disguised moral veil. I can't really understand why people would enjoy watching this show. I have to wonder if there is a large subsection of the Amurican population who actually wish SoA was real.

    1. Sturgis South Dakota the current hometown of outlaw guerrilla biker hero Jax Teller.

  90. I typed in "stupid bikers and soa and up came your site. I agree with your summation! Everyone raves and I think its stupid with a few good one-liners. Prison scene was stupid especially when one of their own got shanked. Why wasn't he protected on his way out? My day soaps were better than this.

    1. John Teller he is the father of Jackson Teller American outlaw guerrilla biker hero and legend from Sturgis South Dakota United States.

  91. I am awe struck that you have not been lynched beside me in this oak tree by your nipples. I have received over a hundred vicious attacks about my person because of my low opinion of SOA. No one has presented an opinion or insight on the show, but I have been accused by the masses, of thinking I am more intelligent than the SOA viewers. I did not claim this, I simply pointed out the sloppy writing, impossible story lines, and down right lies about how real biker gangs run. I must admit, I did graduate high school with a diploma, NOT GED. That alone put my IQ past 70% of SOA viewers. I was already on fatal ground I hated the show, so the fact I'm a college graduate with a strong background in American and British Literature, must never come to light. I'm also 51 years old and have lived which doomed me on making any comment online. I asked the masses a simple question, as they were poised to kill any who spoke ill of Sutter or SOA, "Can any of you articulate what makes you believe this is the best show written?" Not one single person ever answered the question. There are currently 34 unread comments today, on my comment of dislike from 11/14. All of them accusing me of being "full of myself" for using the word, articulate. So far not one of these, now proven, knuckle draggers have stated any part of the show worth intelligent thought. When personally insulted about my intelligence, or incorrect autonomy, by these uneducated foul mouthed cretins, who make up a large part of society, frightens me to my core. I challenged them to share even the basic of concepts of the show. I was answered by morons, cutting and pasting my responses, with added comment I did not share my opinions about SOA. This was sent today, on the end of my three page critique of the show written on 12/8/2015. I suggested they all turn off their televisions and pick up a book, not comics but a real book. Since I have not heard anymore, I'm guessing the masses of SOA fans are Googling "book." Jesus help us. Hollywood has got to stop with the trash tv before it lowers the already savant IQ's of our youth. I'm also frightened, that 35 yrs olds are youth. This show is nothing more than a shameless grab by Sutter at a paycheck and more gratuitous violence for our brain dead and moronic youth. SOA is so poorly written, it does not even qualify as a soap opera, but is in need of soap to wash the foul taste from my mouth. Thank God there are a few of us left, who can read, and decipher, a thought provoking script from garbage.

  92. To right its a cartoon, Jax acting runs the gamut of emotions from A-B ie whispering horse to clipped shouting. Juice looks permanantly constipated. Charming has population of 14K but the gang evade justice with a body count of hundreds and for some reason both the IRA, chinese triads and black gangs have a unexplained lure for the place. Fortune cookie philosophy wishing it was Sun Tzu and plotlines and characters that pop up and evaporate for no reason its a simple pleasure like watching scobby doo, i can only imagine what Sutter will do next.

  93. Thank you for your review of SOA, and also I would like to thank everyone else for their comments. Very entertaining stuff.
    I knew from the first that Jax was a fag. His white sneakers gave him away. A mama's-boy, pussy whipped, and not at all very bright... the 'secret book' also revealed that it was hereditary. (His father wasn't the brightest bulb either.) But, you don't have to be a genius to pull the trigger.
    So, "the crow flies straight', or, as Newton put it: "An object in motion tends to stay in motion, unless acted upon by an outside force." SOA was in motion, and there was no way to 'reform' it or change its destiny. Which was ultimately oblivion.
    Women are not allowed to be members of an outlaw motorcycle club—only property of a member, or the club; So, I ignored all the soap opera... and, also I ignored the children, because children also have no standing.
    The things that I noticed were that whoever wrote this has never read a Constitution and By-Laws of a motorcycle club. Clay murdered the club President and all of the founding members knew it. Jax's mother was in on it. That is neither 'loyalty' to the patch, nor is it 'brotherhood'. (I'll leave that to the lawyers.)
    Next, the motorcycles were horrible. No originality at all, other than the occasional stock H-D accessories. Not only that, but nobody enjoys riding. They just buzz around like bees. Intent on whatever criminal activity they are engaged in. So, somehow or other they have sacrificed riding, partying and getting loaded for making money, selling guns, and producing dirty movies. (And falling in love and engaging in the most trivial soap opera.)
    The secret of survival on the streets is that "When you got nothin' you got nothin' to lose, you're invisible, you got no secrets to conceal..." All an outlaw can have is his bike and his patch. Nothing else has any real value. And, when you have anything of real value there is someone out there who will try to take it from you. Then you hit back with everything you have. Until your enemy says, "It ain't worth it to fuck with these guys."
    Here I have a question: "If the SOA has a black chapter, why was the guy with the stupid haircut (Juice) so damned worried about being black?"
    "Don't worry, bro, just bend over and close your eyes."
    I'd be more worried about joining a gay motorcycle club. But in defense of Tig, at least he was having sex with Boyd Crowder (Venus Van Dam), instead of someone having sex with him.
    Anyway, as it turns out only Opey and Tig even come close to being the real McCoy.
    Thanks again, and keep it up. :)

  94. Good, accurate review.

    I heard part of an interview about this wreck by the always inane Terri Gross. Between that and seeing the icon on Netflix so often, I got slightly curious. So I watched the first two seasons. In my defense, I usually had it on as background noise, so those hours weren't totally flushed.

    Stupid people making stupid decisions sums up this show completely. Actually, that's not quite true: It's more like, stupid people making stupid decisions, and then blowing off the entirely predictable and stupid consequences with stupid rationalizations -- usually along the lines of "I love this club" or "I love you brother" or "I can't think of any other stupid horseshit to say right now".

    But when it comes to entertainment, stupidity and childishness are pretty weak struts for building a stage. I think what pulled me back to watch as many episodes as I did was the question, "How stupid do the scriptwriters think the audience really is?" Very, I guess.... But then, that's pretty much the entire history of TeeVee....

    I'm curious about whether this show really does have a large and enthusiastic following. That's a scary thought. I suppose it must have, if the thing ran for -- seven years!?!?! I can only imagine that at the end of year seven the inbred idiocy reaches such huge proportions that it finally collapses in on itself, in an enormous black hole of stupidity.

  95. I stumbled upon this after typing in "Sons of Anarchy is for white trash" and I agree with a lot of what you said. Granted, I've only seen a few episodes but the fact that there are no likable characters really and we're watching a bunch of criminal bikers do stupid shit while the real world glamorizes it and copies it (stop wearing SOA gear. Please!) really kills it for me. If I wanted to watch white trash make stupid mistakes I'd go back to my hometown.

  96. I think his style is the main reason, he looks awesome in the vest he use.

  97. This show is complete garbage. Shitty characters, shitty dialogue, nonsensical, boring plot. Complete and utter garbage. Only a bunch of completely moronic, wannabe nazi bikers could possibly like this travesty

  98. These things are very important, good think so - I think so too... Capital Bra T Shirt

  99. Come on you can’t compare it to Justified that show is fucking quality the dialogues & characters are great no where near as trash as soa

  100. I've only watched it recently and i can't describe how angry i am with the show. The first season was fun, but then it just became a disaster.
    A good tv show is supposed to make you feel things, not make you want to break bones.
    First of all, it has a lot of bad actors, like aweful ones. Ones that make you want to hit them.
    People don't take the blame for the things they did, they never learn from their mistakes in that show.
    Gemma pisses me the fuck off. It was her stupidity that caused half-sack's death and jax loosing his son.
    I fucking hate when important things happen because of coincidences, like when that bald man saw jax from his window selling drugs. What are the odds of him being there at the right time at the right place. And how uncareful should you be to sell fucking unscripted drugs in front of a hospital, that fucking close to the window of a patient, who's none else than your worst enemy.
    Jax pissed me off when he was trying to push his girlfriend away. We get it he didn't want her to get hurt, but he can't let her go like that, he has no right to do so. He also pissed me off when he cheated on her with that stupid thot.
    I hate how no one gets killed when there are hundreds of shots fired.
    That ATF agents is a mind torture, she makes me want to puke. First of all an agent would never act the way she did. Second, why does she know everything?! No one is that fucking smart! It's like she is watching the show with us!
    I don't like Tara's acting, she always pulls the same face no matter the situation, sure she looked cute back in season 1, but now i'm just tired of seeing her make the same facial expression. She keeps the same face whether she's happy, sad or upset. And her crying... Omg!! sooooo fucking bad, if you're trying to cry, then at least show some tears or make your face red!
    I hate when bad shit happens because of bad timing or small mistakes, like how donn wouldn't have died if that other pricked had his phone on him. Or how no one would've died if that irish man hadn't overheard the atf agent's call for help.
    i'll say it again, i FUCKING HATE COINCIDENCES. like how people are just there randomly at the right time at the right place.

  101. It is Blue Bloods + A-Team with some extra rape and murder. It is a teenage boys show.

  102. I just finished watching this shitepile of a show (somehow…ended up ffwd’ing a lot just to get thru the unbelievably redundant and predictable dialog and same old same old).

    You sane ones hit the nail on the head. What an absolutely over the top, ridiculously absurd piece of garbage. It should have ended after the first 3 - maybe 4 seasons. Those were likeable for me.

    Re: the accents—agree on some, but it’s funny to me when people diss Tommy Flanagan’s (Chibbs) - he IS a Scot! And Hunnam is British…I can’t believe how often his accent would slip through and they would just let it go.

    And lastly, the dumbasses who send death threats (over a GD TV show—really??) are quite obviously of a certain crowd. The dumbing down of America…more apparent every day!

  103. Lol big baggy pants and fresh white tennis shoes omg lmao. Even saw the others wearing tennis shoes. Made fun of another biker in the show for wearing chaps. Then the list of guns of war being sold.. AR15’s are you kidding me???? Then the women having a say in anything was the biggest joke ever. On top of that the bikers constantly hugging and kissing each other on the neck and cheeks was hilarious. Then these same tough guys keep themselves whole body shaved, chest, backs arms. The manicured nails and salon hair is just great. Not one bit of grease on any hands, you know nobody ever tinkers with their bikes at all. Even the mechanics in their own garage are squeaky clean. The body count in this show is a fantasy.

  104. These are the same bikers from Every which way but loose. The Black Widows. So scary

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